
The Candidate Physical Ability Test (CPAT) is the nationally-recognized standard for measuring an individual’s ability to handle the physical demands of the firefighting profession.



文森斯大学CPAT实验室向公众开放, 虽然考试时间限制在3-5名候选人.

The timed test consists of (8) separate events and are designed to simulate physical activities common to firefighters.


Participants in the CPAT must navigate eight separate events on a closed course within a span of 10 minutes and 20 seconds.


事件1:候选人将穿着75磅(50磅)的背心和两件12.每个肩膀都有5磅的重量. 考生将在爬楼梯器上行走3分20秒. 前20秒是“热身”期, 在此期间,候选人将保持每分钟50步的步速. 在热身结束时, 步速加快到每分钟60步, 候选人必须在剩下的3分钟内保持这个速度.


事件2:候选人将找到一个连接在200英尺长的消防水带上的喷嘴. The candidate will then place the nozzle end of this hoseline over the shoulder and then proceed quickly 75 feet to a drum; candidate will then make a 90-degree turn around the drum and proceed another 25 feet to a 5 x 7 marked area. 在禁区内单膝跪下, the candidate will then pull the hoseline until a marked section of the hose passes the line of the box. 然后,候选人继续前进85英尺,进入下一个项目.


事件3:候选人必须从内阁中取出两把锯子,一次取出一把. 每个锯子与地板接触后, the candidate must carry them (one in each hand) 75 feet around a drum and then back to the cabinet. Candidate must then place each saw back in the cabinet and then proceed 85 feet to the next event.


项目4:从俯卧梯的顶端开始, the candidate must lift the unhinged end from the floor; without skipping any rungs, candidate must walk the ladder up (一首首) until it is leaned against the wall. Candidate then proceeds to the other pre-positioned ladder; while standing in the marked area, 候选人必须使用绳索吊索使梯子完全向上伸展. 停车后, 候选人必须降低, 一首首, 梯子延伸回起始位置. 然后候选人继续前进85英尺到下一个项目.


Event 5: candidate will use a 10-lb sledgehammer to strike a measuring device until a buzzer is activated. 然后,候选人继续前进85英尺,进入下一个项目.


事件6:候选人必须爬过能见度为零的地方, u形的隧道迷宫,大约3英尺高, 4英尺宽, 64英尺长. 然后,候选人继续前进85英尺,进入下一个项目


Event 7: candidate grasps a 165-lb rescue mannequin by the handle(s) on the shoulder(s) of the harness (one or two hand grip is allowed); candidate then must drag the mannequin 35 feet around a pre-positioned drum and then drag the mannequin 35 feet back across a marked finished line. 然后,候选人继续前进85英尺,进入下一个项目.


项目八:使用6英尺长的旗杆, the candidate must place the pole's tip on a 60-lb hinged door and fully push it up three times (must contact the stopper on each push). Candidate then moves over to the overhead handle; using the pole's hook, the candidate must hook the 80-lb handle and pull device down five times (must contact stopper on each pull). Candidate must complete four sets; each set consists of three pushes and five pulls. 完成此事件后,候选人退出课程.



在整个测试过程中, 考生佩戴防护头盔, 手套, 还有一件50磅重的背心, 用来模拟消防员个人防护装备的重量. 考生将由监考人员陪同, 谁来指挥测试活动, 监控考生的考试时间, 并确保每个事件都正确完成.

Each event must be completed exactly as prescribed – if a candidate cannot physically complete any component of the test, the candidate will fail the entire test; if a candidate commits specific mistakes during any event, 这个候选人整个考试都不及格.  如果没有在10分钟内完成所有8个项目,也会被判失败, 20秒时限.


CPAT Lab is open to the general public; however, 由于对COVID-19的持续担忧, 考试时间限制为3-5名考生.

如需测试的具体时间和日期,请致电 812-888-2871.

All CPAT participants must be at least 18 years of age and submit state-issued photo identification. CPAT tests must be scheduled online in advance -- test-day registration or rescheduling is not accepted.


CPAT费用:  $135.00 / 3次(2次练习/1次正式).  考试费用必须在报名时全额缴纳.  费用包括以下内容:

  • (2)定向和(2)实践测试. 
  • 正式的大学入学考试


CPAT设备租赁:联系澳门足球博彩官方网址吉布森在 812-888-2871


重新安排测试: Candidates may reschedule their test date up to (10) business days before official test date without penalty. Schedule changes made within (10) business days before a scheduled official CPAT will be subject to a $50 fee.

取消: Candidates may cancel their official CPAT up to (10) business days before official test date with 100% refund. 取消 made within (10) business days will not be eligible for a testing fee refund.

参加正式考试: If you do not show up on your scheduled official test day, your testing fee is forfeited. 如果你想安排另一个考试日,你将不得不再次支付全额费用.


测试重新安排: Candidates may reschedule their test date up to (5) business days before official test date without penalty. Schedule changes made within (5) business days before a scheduled official CPAT will be subject to a $50 fee.

取消: Candidates may cancel their official CPAT up to (5) business days before official test date with 100% refund. 取消 made within (5) business days will not be eligible for a testing fee refund.

参加正式考试: If you do not show up on your scheduled official test day, your testing fee is forfeited. 如果你想安排另一个考试日,你将不得不再次支付全额费用.


符合资格的考生可申请免除考试费用. Interested candidates should download the application and then complete and submit with requested documentation. 请参阅申请提交说明.


CPAT费用: The fee waiver can cover all testing costs which includes (2)定向和(2)实践测试. Candidates who qualify for a fee waiver must attend at least (1) orientation and (1) practice session prior to commencing an official test.

经济困难豁免: For candidates who were awarded a fee waiver under the financial hardship guidelines, 豁免有效期为(12)个月,自授予之日起算. 如果这些考生在这段时间内没有成功完成他们的CPAT考试, 他们必须重新申请另一项豁免(候选人最多可获得三次豁免).

丧失后续豁免: waiver awardees forfeit all eligibility considerations for future waivers if the awardee falls under either category:

  • 考生未能参加预定的正式考试
  • 考生没有参加至少(1)次培训和(1)次练习


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在方向, candidates will receive instruction and coaching on test events and recommended strategies and movements to efficiently complete them. Candidates will have the opportunity to try out the CPAT testing equipment to better understand what will be required.

强烈鼓励参加一个或多个迎新会. Candidates who take advantage of orientation consistently have a higher passage rate than those who do not. 135美元的费用包括两次迎新课程.00测试费.



除了定位, candidates have the option to sign up for at least two (2) timed practice runs prior to the test itself. 模拟考试是对正式考试的全面模拟. 像取向, candidates who complete at least one practice test consistently pass at a higher rate.

如果你选择不参加这个预试项目, you will be required to sign a waiver acknowledging that you are aware of the pre-test program and have declined to include it in your preparations to complete the CPAT.



  • 体能测试的要求
  • 培训策略
  • 锻炼柔韧性、力量和心血管耐力的技巧
  • 补水和训练策略




为了考生和监考人员的安全 严格的着装要求:

  • 长长裤及脚踝(在测试开始前必须清空口袋)
  • t恤或运动衫
  • 封闭式的/跟鞋
  • 禁止佩戴松散的首饰



如果您有关于CPAT的其他问题,请查看澳门足球博彩官方网址CPAT常见问题解答. 如果您仍有疑问,请联系澳门足球博彩官方网址吉布森中心 812-888-2871.
